Backend in a Box: Strapi (tutorial)

Do you want to set up a backend FAST? I mean, before your coffee gets cold kind of fast? Then boy howdy do I have a solution for you! Allow me the pleasure of introducing Strapi, the headless CMS. In this first Strapi tutorial we’re going to set up the whole thing from local to […]

The Importance of Communication

This past week I’ve been seeing a recurring theme emerge while studying about the Scrum methodology: the importance of communication. Teams require transparency in order to assess what they’ve done and adapt if needed. Scrum fails if communication is poor within a team. Clear communication can be the difference between creating microservices or creating a […]

Software Architecture Patterns pt. 2

In the last post, I talked on Layered, Microkernel and Event Driven architectures. In this post I’d like to conclude this quick series on software architecture patterns by going over Microservices Architecture, and how to achieve this kind of production. Microservices and RESTful APIs Microservice Architecture is dividing various logical parts of the project into […]

Software Architecture Patterns pt. 1

Over the last week or so I started to become more interested in Software Architecture. I’ve heard this term thrown around a lot, but always in a very vague way. By luck I stumbled upon a short book that actually explains 5 popular Software Architectural Patterns. Before diving in, let’s try to demystify this term. […]