UPenn Computational Thinking for Problem Solving

I’ve decided to start investigating possible Master’s Programs to advance my knowledge and skills as a developer. There are three or four possible programs I’m looking at, all located on Coursera. UPenn suggested taking Computational Thinking for Problem Solving’s course, so here I am! It’s been a refreshing course, here are some of the highlights. […]

Linux OS and AWS

Linux OS and AWS are full of win. After all, what’s coding if there’s nothing to run the code on? Not a whole lot! Enter Linux OS and AWS. The past few days I’ve been learning a good deal about a server software called NGINX (pronounced Engine X). Originally designed to solve the C10K problem […]

Progressive Web Apps are Nifty

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are an easy and quick way to add performance to websites/web apps. They work with all major modern web browsers (except IE). Additionally, web apps / websites can be “installed” onto the desktop of the computer or phone via PWA technology. All in all, progressive web apps are nifty, and we’ll […]

Doing Postman Tests with the XKCD API

If you’re reading this then you likely already know that Postman is an application that’s used for making calls to APIs in order to check that they’re functioning properly. You may be asking, “Why bother? I can whip up a Strapi app in less than 20 minutes and have it on the cloud.” Indeed you […]

Uploading Images to Strapi in Vue (tutorial)

Looking for a better understanding of the Strapi docs in regards to uploading photos? Look no further! In this tutorial, we’re going to cover uploading images to Strapi with Vue. In addition, we’re going to go over why forms are awesome and how we can use something called FormData to send along our form, including […]

REST in Plain English

REST has a bad rap. This architectural pattern is often explained like a long incantation in Latin. The name itself is also not user friendly, being an acronym for “Representational State Transfer”. More often then not, the explanations sound like utterances in an alien tongue. This post hopes to express the principles ideas of REST […]

Backend in a Box: Strapi (tutorial)

Do you want to set up a backend FAST? I mean, before your coffee gets cold kind of fast? Then boy howdy do I have a solution for you! Allow me the pleasure of introducing Strapi, the headless CMS. In this first Strapi tutorial we’re going to set up the whole thing from local to […]

The Importance of Communication

This past week I’ve been seeing a recurring theme emerge while studying about the Scrum methodology: the importance of communication. Teams require transparency in order to assess what they’ve done and adapt if needed. Scrum fails if communication is poor within a team. Clear communication can be the difference between creating microservices or creating a […]

Software Architecture Patterns pt. 2

In the last post, I talked on Layered, Microkernel and Event Driven architectures. In this post I’d like to conclude this quick series on software architecture patterns by going over Microservices Architecture, and how to achieve this kind of production. Microservices and RESTful APIs Microservice Architecture is dividing various logical parts of the project into […]

Software Architecture Patterns pt. 1

Over the last week or so I started to become more interested in Software Architecture. I’ve heard this term thrown around a lot, but always in a very vague way. By luck I stumbled upon a short book that actually explains 5 popular Software Architectural Patterns. Before diving in, let’s try to demystify this term. […]