UPenn Computational Thinking for Problem Solving

I’ve decided to start investigating possible Master’s Programs to advance my knowledge and skills as a developer. There are three or four possible programs I’m looking at, all located on Coursera. UPenn suggested taking Computational Thinking for Problem Solving’s course, so here I am! It’s been a refreshing course, here are some of the highlights. […]

Linux OS and AWS

Linux OS and AWS are full of win. After all, what’s coding if there’s nothing to run the code on? Not a whole lot! Enter Linux OS and AWS. The past few days I’ve been learning a good deal about a server software called NGINX (pronounced Engine X). Originally designed to solve the C10K problem […]

Progressive Web Apps are Nifty

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are an easy and quick way to add performance to websites/web apps. They work with all major modern web browsers (except IE). Additionally, web apps / websites can be “installed” onto the desktop of the computer or phone via PWA technology. All in all, progressive web apps are nifty, and we’ll […]